Friday, June 21, 2024

Reader's Review: "You're Not Alone" by Kelly Blanchard

Synopsis from Amazon:

How much would you sacrifice to find out the truth and protect those you love?

Katerina has a lead on the recent string of terrorist attacks throughout the galaxy. Her father's black-opts crew decides to investigate with the help of Lorrek, Vixen, and a few rogue Thymord agents.

Lorrek attempts to step back and not take charge for once, but when he discovers his extended family is involved, all bets are off. He will risk everything to protect his family, but in risking it all, will it cost him everything—and more?


My Review:

Chalk this one up as "Book In Which I Had To Stop And Text-Scream At The Author Via DMs." And it happened TWICE.

Okay, so it's been a while since I read Find Me If You Can, (a few years, in fact) but seeing as we're in the middle of the "Endgame Phase" of the series... Marvel fans will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Picking up where we left off last time, Lorrek is trying to help his new friends (including a pirate crew helmed by Vixen's aunt, so there's somewhat of a family connection there too) investigate the series of assassinations that seem to target Thymords, pitting him even more at odds with the Thymord Order who is already seeking him out to withdraw the World Orbs from their hiding place. But Blanchard doesn't stop there. She ups the ante, more than sorcerers, spaceships, hard-to-kill kelliphs, sentient AI programs, and immortal Dragons by adding in the concept of Crephens: almost deity-like immortal beings who literally cannot be killed, but are capable of interfering with reality itself when it suits them. One such being views Lorrek's tenacity as such a threat that he ends up stripping Lorrek of his magic. This part of him that was so instinctual, was so intrinsically a part of himself that he could use it without thinking... gone in a moment.

That's not even the worst thing this character does, officially earning him the title of Most Despicable Excuse For A Villain Of All Time. I doubt I'd find somebody worse. (Of course, I think I've felt that way about a lot of Blanchard's villains over the course of this series... does that indicate something??)
Magic-less Lorrek has to learn how to function without magic: how to depend on others to manage superhuman feats like teleportation, telepathy, and illusions; how to not be the first one to just jump in front of a bullet for someone else (particularly because he's more vulnerable than he's ever been in his life!); how to ask for help instead of just Doing The Thing.

This is where Blanchard shines. She brings the characters together, against their better judgment, in spite of previous misgivings, and with a very real level of reluctance, yet all these characters band together against the Crephen, willing to prop up Lorrek when he needs it, in order to keep further atrocities from happening. Their different styles and personalities work together, provide what the others lack, and make the whole group stronger for it.

This book takes all the pieces of previous books and takes them to the next level--and I mean that almost literally! The stakes are leveled up, the cost of achieving their goals has leveled up, the values of the characters have leveled up, the villains are infinitely more powerful, the secrets go far deeper, the conflicts are much more intense--and the plot twists just keep coming! Just when it looks like Blanchard has taken the plot as far as it will go... she throws in another twist that knocks the wind out of me! Between twists you never thought you'd see, and twists that have secretly been building in the background for almost the entire series... It sort of feels like riding an avalanche into the ocean!

You're Not Alone is yet another can't-miss direct-hit-to-the-feels from Kelly Blanchard. I'm giving it *****5 STARS***** and adding in the Upstream Writer Certified ABSOLUTELY Recommended endorsement! It'll take you through some amazing emotions, do not attempt if you're not ready to be absolutely crushed by the profound mental images evoked by sheer text--but once you dive in, get ready for a reading experience like no other!

Further Reading: (Also by the author/Sci-Fantasy/Epic Series/Great World-Building)
The Chronicles of Lorrek--Kelly Blanchard
        -Someday I'll Be Redeemed 
        -I Still Have A Soul 
        -I'm Still Alive 
        -Do You Trust Me? 
        -You Left Me No Choice 
        -They Must Be Stopped 
        -Find Me If You Can
The Red Dog Conspiracy--Patricia Loofbourrow
       -Gutshot (Novellette) 
       -The Alcatraz Coup (Novella) 
       -Vulnerable (Short Story) 
       -The Jacq of Spades 
       -The Queen of Diamonds 
       -The Ace of Clubs 
       -The King of Hearts 
The Vemreaux Trilogy--Mary E. Twomey
       -The Way 
       -The Truth 
       -The Lie
Verona: The Complete Mermaid Tales--Pauline Creeden
Talented Series--Amy Hopkins
     -A Drop of Dream 
     -A Dash of Fiend 
     -A Splash of Truth 
     -A Promise Due 

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