Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Reader's Review: "Fragmented" by Madeline Dyer

Synopsis from Amazon:


After the terrible battle against the Enhanced Ones, Seven and Corin find themselves on the run. With the Enhanced closing in, Seven knows they need to find other people on their side. So, when the opportunity arises to join the Zharat, one of the last surviving Untamed tribes, it seems like the perfect solution.

But the Zharat lifestyle is a far cry from what Seven's used to. With their customs dictating that she must marry into their tribe, and her relationship with Corin breaking down, Seven knows she has to do something before it's too late. But that's easier said than done in a tribe where going against the rules automatically results in death.

And, with the Enhanced still out there, nowhere is truly safe for the Untamed-least of all for the most powerful Seer in the world... and Seven soon discovers how far people will go to ensure she's on their side in the War of Humanity.

Battling against the emerging web of lies, manipulation, and danger, Seven must remember who she was meant to be. Her life has never been more at stake. Nor has humanity itself.


My Review:

Considering that it’s been almost a year and a half since I read the first book, UNTAMED, I had to wonder how much I would have to recall on my own, and how much would be delivered by the author via expositions recaps before the next adventure began.
I should have known Dyer doesn’t bother with all that amateur stuff. FRAGMENTED picks up exactly where UNTAMED left off, and not a moment later! Pertinent information is referenced when necessary, but it wasn’t as if I needed to know everything that happened before. It continues at a breathtaking pace, weaving back and forth between the Dream Land and the real world, a truly "fragmented" reality riddled by betrayal, lies, and half-truths.

Most notable is the introduction of the Zharat, a group of people who have done what they could to survive in these trying times. I found the society utterly fascinating! So distinct and vastly different from the ones Seven grew up with, the Zharat present an entirely distinct method of coping with the strangeness of the world, and you really get a “distant history” vibe from it that just deepens the immersion into the reality Dyer has fabricated.
There were a few things that ended up not at all the way I expected, and a few moments that felt a little forced/rushed (which I can’t get into because SPOILERS) but none of them really constituted a deal-breaker and I still remain securely enthralled by the series!

All things considered, FRAGMENTED earns a *****4.5 STAR***** rating, making it a worthy sequel to its predecessor, and I would still maintain my Upstream Writer Certified ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED endorsement. If you’re looking for a dystopian read with a futuristic, post-apocalyptic vibe, a fantastically REAL heroine who is at the same time extremely strong and devastatingly vulnerable, the UNTAMED series should be your next indulgence!
Further Reading: (Dystopian/High Peril/Fast Pacing/Strong Heroines)
The Jill Andersen Series--J. D. Cunegan
       -Blood Ties 
       -Behind the Badge 
       -Behind The Mask 
The Vemreaux Trilogy--Mary E. Twomey
       -The Way 
       -The Truth 
       -The Lie 
The Portal Prophecies--C. A. King
     -A Keeper's Destiny 
     -A Halloween's Curse 
     -Frost Bitten 
Tales of the Fallen--Katika Schneider

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