As a homeschoooled kid, going to the library was the awesomest outing ever. I still remember charging up the steps and veering to the children's section to pick out as many picture books as I could. We kept our "library box" in the corner of the family room, next to the couch, and it was my favorite place to sit and just devour every book in the box. In 2014, just after I started working part-time as a substitute paraeducator for various schools around the district (so, occasionally full-time opportunities, but sometimes quite a bit of downtime), I gave myself the challenge of reading 100 books in a year--and such a feat required weekly trips to the library, the checking out of massive stacks of books... And yet, to this day, I still find plenty of books to capture my interest every time I visit! Libraries are amazing places, no matter what you like to read or how old you are--and today in the blog hop, here are a few of the local libraries represented by the participating bloggers, and our favorite features about them!
Leslie Conzatti (Me!)
Here’s an interior view of the main
branch of my local library, because I think it’s the BEST!
It has an AMAZING play area in the children’s
section, an indoor balcony to sit at in the nonfiction section, plenty of
chairs and tables to sit at on every floor, and a rooftop terrace garden up on
the Fiction floor! 
Also there is Popular/Staff Picks, where the library staff choose the books they like the most, so that you can read it! I’ve found several authors I wouldn’t have normally chosen on the shelf, using the Staff Picks! Those two places are usually the first ones I check. If I find enough choices between them, I leave happy! If not, I browse the shelf for familiar names or titles! I love my library!
Brandy Potter
Kelli Quintos
Jo Linsdell
My nearest library, and the one I go to most often, is in
fact a children’s library. I can order in copies of any books I want from other
libraries, but the library itself is specialized in children's books and books
on parenting. It’s called “Casa dei bimbi” which translates as “House of
Children”. My kids love it. They often do events there too which are great fun.
Both my kids, and myself have done readings there. This photo is a selfie of me
with my eldest son during our recent trip there.
How about you? What makes YOUR library the best? Comment, join the conversation, and brag about your local "book dispensary"! To see what other questions and blogs this hop has visited, Click >HERE< to go back to the Introductory Post with links to every question!
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