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"At the foot of the tree huddled a figure swathed in a cloak of many-colored butterfly wings..." |
The List*:
An Island
Modern Day/sunrise
A necklace that brings back lost memories
The Result:
"Soul Mates" (Part 2)
Excerpt from Part 1: He spoke again. “I thought I saw you run in there. Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, and the others are long gone. Please, will you come out?”
Nakoma waited. So did the man. She saw him sit down on the
log across from the one she hid within. He would probably wait there the whole
night. The fire spirit in the orb danced and flickered—only it wasn’t exactly a
spirit, she now saw, just the flame of it. How had the giants managed to
separate the element?
“Frankly, I don’t blame you.”
Nakoma shrank back into a frightened little ball at the
sound of the voice. The giant continued talking--but to whom? Nakoma knew of no one else besides herself in the area; could he mean to speak with her?
“You’ve probably never seen a human in your life, and here
we are, invading your island, looking for treasure—at least,” he sighed, “the
others are.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something that Nakoma
could not see—but she saw the gentle smile that played over his face when he
looked at it. “Me, I came here looking for something a little different—and
infinitely more precious.”
She wasn’t cowering anymore—but she still remained in the
shadows of the log. This man—this human—was
unlike anything she ever expected. He wasn’t trying to capture her, or kill
her. He just kept talking.
“You see, my wife, Arielle, was an explorer like me. She
came here many years ago, with another team.” He paused for a very long time.
Nakoma took another cautious step forward.
“Their camp was attacked by wild beasts, they said, and a
couple of them were killed—but my wife—“ His voice stopped, and when he next
spoke, his voice sounded different, round and open like the log she stood in.
“They never found her body.”
Nakoma stood at the mouth of the hollow log. The man had
ceased talking—but the strange gasping noises made her wonder exactly what he
was doing. Carefully, inch by inch, she peeked around the edge of the log.
The man’s hands covered his face. His body quivered. The
next time he made the sound, Nakoma timed her movements exactly and scurried
across the ground toward his log.
His head snapped up as if he had heard the sound. He looked
toward the log, as if he assumed she had run away. Looking back down, he saw
her standing at his leg, and his body stiffened. Not daring to move, lest she
prove to be some kind of illusion that would disappear, or something incredibly
skittish that would vanish at the mere thought of alarm, he watched her.
Nakoma stared up at the man. Slowly, she tried forming words
that the man would understand.
“You… come… to… find… her?” she asked.
The man’s mouth opened in surprise. “Yes,” he said quickly,
as if he worried that saying anything more would scare her.
The man held very still as Nekoma climbed onto the log next
to him. She stood eye-to-eye with him now. His head was turned away from her,
but he watched her with his eyes.
“Me… Nakoma,” she said, pointing to herself.
“I am Kenneth,” he said, turning to face her.
Nakoma examined Kenneth closely. He wore strange clothes
that were not the coverings of any animal she had ever seen. His eyes were
brown like his hair. She saw something glint in his hand. It looked like two
halves of a shell, but one side held a little black creature with antennas that
clicked around and around in a circle, while the other held a face.
Nakoma gasped; she knew that face!
“What is it?” Kenneth asked.
Nakoma grabbed his hand; or rather, she could only grasp two
of his fingers. “Must come with Nakoma!” she cried, running toward the deep
part of the forest where the Druid Circle was hidden.
“What? Why?” Kenneth bounded to his feet, but already lost
sight of her. “Where are we going?”
Nakoma returned to his side. “Must come!” she insisted.
“All right,” Kenneth sighed, “but not so fast! I can’t keep
“Come with!” Nakoma tried to slow down her pace so that
Kenneth could follow. All the while, her mind spun with the discovery she had
just made.
Who could have predicted that Nakoma would be trapped
outside the Circle on the very night a human crew would invade the forest—and
one of those humans happened to be the mate of someone Nakoma had seen many
times without once ever wondering where she came from? All this time, a human
in their very midst—why had the Elder Sprites allowed this to happen, if they
were indeed so concerned about any beings from the outside world discovering
their existence?
Nakoma came to a stop just outside the shining border.
Kenneth crashed through the underbrush behind her. He leaned against a tree,
panting heavily.
“Why did we stop?” he asked. “Where are you taking me?”
Nakoma winced as she tried to find the words to tell him.
“Circle… is here.”
“You’re kidding, the Druid Circle?” He gazed all around him
in wonder. “Where?”
Nakoma realized Kenneth could not see the gauzy curtain that
separated the world of the Fae from that of the humans. She marked a line in
the dirt where the boundary met the ground.
“Here,” she pointed. Kenneth squatted down next to her,
staring keenly at the space above the line. He moved his hand toward the
“May I?” he asked the little sprite.
Nakoma nodded, too overcome with the quandary she was
getting herself into.
Kenneth stuck his hand over the line. Everything that
crossed the mark seemed to vanish into thin air. He gasped, withdrawing his
hand to make sure it was still there. Everything remained intact; a perception
shield! It was as if magic existed in the real world!
Dawn gleamed at the edge of the horizon; sunrise, which
meant the barrier would lift and allow them entrance. Her heart weighed heavy
with dread as Nakoma stepped forward and took Kenneth’s hand. “Come,” she said,
crossing the border into the Druid Circle.
Kenneth crossed the barrier and gasped. All around him,
glowing figures danced and clambered around plants that seemed to emit their
own light. Everything sparkled and gleamed in the new light of the sun. At the
center was the largest tree he had ever seen, with many branches. Little brown
wood sprites like Nakoma scurried around its many branches. Ethereal blue water
sprites lifted their heads from the little pond at the foot of the tree to
stare at him in wonder.
At the foot of the tree huddled a figure swathed in a cloak
of many-colored butterfly wings. As Nakoma and Kenneth approached, the figure
stood and threw back her cloak. Her dark hair hung down her back, adorned by a
crown of brilliant flowers. She was nearly as tall as Kenneth; among the small sprites,
it was very obvious that the two were the same species.
Kenneth stared in shock. “Arielle?” he gasped, confirming
what Nakoma had feared.
The woman stared at him imperiously. “I am Allyra,” she
announced. “Warden of the Fae; who is this Arielle you speak of?”
“What?” Kenneth frowned, and stepped forward, reaching for
Allyra’s hands; she drew back from him. “Arielle, it’s me, Kenneth! I’m your
“Stay back!” Allyra barked, and a crowd of winged Air
Sprites imposed themselves in front of her. “I know not but you are human! Do
not feign to be so familiar with me, when I have never seen you before in my
life! Take him from my sight!”
“What? Arielle! Wait, please!” Kenneth could not evade the
wall of tiny spears brandished at him. He turned away, and they cleared. Lady
Allyra had withdrawn.
Nakoma watched Kenneth sit on a rounded stone and pull out
the golden shell with the image of Allyra—whom he knew as Arielle, his
wife—inside it.
“I don’t understand,” he said softly, as the tears formed in
his eyes.
“She has no memory,” Nakoma explained softly. “She come into
the Circle, wounded, scared, seeking shelter. We give shelter, we heal—but she not remember
what come before. Chose to stay and become Warden of the Fae.”
Sadness became anger as Kenneth scowled. “So that’s it,
then?” He said despondently. “I’m just supposed to leave her behind, after I
finally found her after all these years?”
Nakoma knew that this was not the end; she could not imagine
if Kharrie forgot her and began to treat her as an enemy. She would help
Kenneth, whatever it took.
“There is legend,” she offered the human. “Of a treasure, a
necklace; it name Collar of Cuimhne.”
“Cuimhne,” Kenneth snorted, “The Irish word for memory.”
“Yes,” said Nakoma. “Legend say, those who forget, put on
collar, remember everything forgotten.”
“So,” Kenneth said slowly, “If we were to find this collar,
and somehow convince Ari—I mean, Allyra
to wear it… she would remember me?”
Nakoma shrugged; who knew? “Legend say,” she said.
Kenneth considered this for a long moment. Finally, he
looked at Nakoma. “Where can we find this Collar of Cuimhne?”
Previously in This Series:
#4 "Inside The Impact Zone"
#3 (See "Part 1" above)
#2 "The Artist's Wife"
#1 "Red of Morning"
Previously in This Series:
#4 "Inside The Impact Zone"
#3 (See "Part 1" above)
#2 "The Artist's Wife"
#1 "Red of Morning"
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