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"... [T]he day she learned of the Rift contained in the forest behind her house..." |
Suggested by: R. R. Virdi
The List:
title: the faeries keeper
a name: Gorman (dont ask me why...)
a place: enchanted forest behind a little old ladies house
a time: 11:11 at night under a blanket of stars, in modern day today
An object: The half moon and full sun ear rings the old lady which the house belongs to, is wearing
The Result:
The Faeries' Keeper
Agnes Gorman sighed as she settled into her weathered old
rocker on the back porch after supper that night. The summer season was at her
zenith, and the air hung warm under the blanket of stars. Sixty years she had
taken up her post, faithfully whiling away the night hours till the bells
chimed and she could return to bed. Sixty long years of waiting—for what? Agnes
could hardly remember anymore; at eighty-one her mind was not as spry as it had
been at twenty-one. The important fact of the matter was that she watched the
Rift carefully, and if anything were to happen, she had a message to deliver.
Agnes fingered her birthday earrings nervously. The wide discs depicting a half moon cradling the full
sun hung heavy on her lobes, but wearing them was part of her responsibility.
They were a gift on her twenty-first birthday, the day she
learned of the Rift contained in the forest behind her house. She had gone
drinking with a group of friends, and come back heady with the success of
finally achieving adulthood (and buzzing with alcohol). In the midst of a
rather tipsy attempt at “sneaking” into the back door, Agnes had caught the
sound of light chimes coming from the trees. Stumbling over to the bridge at
the back of the yard, she stared as the sound seemed to emanate from silvery
bell-shaped flowers dangling from tall green stems. Among those flowers lay a
box, tied in ribbon and bearing her name. Agnes opened the box and found the
earrings, accompanied by a letter detailing the duties she was now expected to
Her parents didn’t seem to know anything about any fairy
realm, but every time Agnes attempted to ignore the duty, little things
happened: objects moved or went missing, wilted flowers sprang back to life
overnight—and most of all, every attempt at getting rid of the earrings only
resulted in their immediate return. When her parents eventually passed away,
Agnes had attempted to sell the little house, but could never manage it. It
would seem circumstances conspired against her—or could it be the fairies?
Agnes stirred as a stiff wind swelled around her, tossing
the treetops to and fro. Something was happening—she looked toward the Rift.
For the first time since she’d begun watching it, the
shadows seemed to ripple before her eyes. A bright beam of light streaked down,
as bright as a lightning bolt, and Agnes cringed and put up a hand to shield
her eyes. When the light disappeared, two figures emerged from the thicket. One
was a man, tall and lean, following a small brownish figure less than two feet
Agnes stumbled to her feet. It finally happened! This was
the moment she had been waiting for! A human and a Wood Sprite traveling
together—they could have only come through the Rift! Agnes noted the time on
her watch: eleven minutes after eleven o’clock. Right on cue, the silver bells
rang, and the wind died as the Rift closed again. The two strangers still
hesitated; very likely they had only just noticed the little old lady standing
on the porch staring at them.
“Hello,” Agnes called. She waved them forward. “Come in; I
have been waiting for you.”
She did not hesitate, but turned immediately to totter her
way into the house. She made straight for the antique roll-top desk where she
had kept the box and the strange letter safe. By the time she had retrieved the
precious paper, her two guests had entered the house.
The man stepped forward, extending his hand.
“Hello, I’m Ken—“
“Shush!” Agnes waved his hand away. She pointed to the sofa
in the living room. “Sit!” she commanded. Her hands trembled as she unfolded the
paper and fumbled for her glasses to read the slanting, faded handwriting.
The man obeyed silently, and the Wood Sprite scrambled up to
sit next to him. They watched Agnes carefully.
The elderly woman skimmed through the beginning part talking
about the grand legacy she had been granted, arriving at last upon the words
she needed to say.
“Greetings,” she
quoted. “I am Agnes Gorman, the Keeper of the Fairy Rift. You have
come seeking Y Rhoddion?” She lifted her
eyes to peer at him over her spectacles.
The man recognized this as a signal that he may now speak.
He coughed awkwardly. “Um, er—yes… I think. My name is Kenneth, and the Wood
Sprite and I are looking for something called the Collar of Cuimhne.”
Agnes glanced at the small creature sitting next to Kenneth.
“Nakoma has guided you well,” she read
from the letter. “I am to give you aid in whatever way I can, even to
offering you shelter in my own house—“
“Oh, that’s really not necessary,” Ken interrupted, glancing
around. “I see that you’re very busy, we can just go back—“
“Until such a time as the Rift opens again.” Agnes set the letter aside. There was a bit more,
but that wouldn‘t come till later.
“Please,” Nakoma the Wood Sprite spoke up. Her accent
sounded thick, as one whose native language was something other than English.
She hopped down to the floor and looked up at Agnes. “What you know of the
Collar of Cuimhne?”
Ah, here it was. Agnes picked up the letter and read the
riddle recorded at the bottom:
“The one who needs
it doesn’t want it,
the one who wants
it doesn’t need it;
The one who has it
cannot use it,
the one who will use
it cannot have it.”
“What the heck is that supposed to mean?” Ken demanded.
Agnes finally laid the letter aside. “Your guess is as good
as mine, sonny,” she muttered. “I didn’t write the words, I only had to say
“But how does that even help us?” he complained.
Agnes shrugged. “To be honest, I’ve spent the last sixty
years wondering what ‘it’ was. Don’t
shoot the messenger.”
Ken stood up. “Well, thanks anyway; we’ll just be going—“
“Wait,” Agnes put out a hand to stop him. “You can’t leave;
you must stay here, the letter says so.” She pointed to the paper she’d dropped
onto the desk.
Ken squinted at it. “I don’t believe this; you’re saying
that somebody sixty years ago knew that something like this would happen?”
“I’m saying that there is a plan to all that is going on, and we cannot know all the pieces. Now, it’s late, and I don’t know about you, but I am dog-tired. I’m going to bed, and then tomorrow morning we can figure out the mystery together. Or,” she placed a hand on her hip and stared at him sternly. “You can leave now and take your chances.”
Kenneth studied her for a long moment before he finally broke down and sighed. “Very well. Where is the guest room?”
Agnes relaxed into a smile. “The whole downstairs is a small
apartment: Kitchenette, bedroom, open space. You are free to set up down
Kenneth nodded and walked toward the stairs, Nakoma in tow.
“Kenneth,” Agnes said abruptly.
He stopped. “Yes?”
She tilted her head and studied him. “Where did you two come
from, by the way?”
Kenneth wagged his head, “I was part of a group searching for a mythological Druid Circle on an uninhabited forest island off the coast of Ireland.” His eyes dipped to the little sprite at his side. “I guess I found it.”
“Oh,” Agnes replied. “Good night.”
The three slept soundly, little knowing what the morning
would bring.
Previously in This Series:
#5 "Soul Mates" (Part 2)
#4 "Inside The Impact Zone"
#3 "Soul Mates" (Part 1)
#2 "The Artist's Wife"
#1 "Red of Morning"
Previously in This Series:
#5 "Soul Mates" (Part 2)
#4 "Inside The Impact Zone"
#3 "Soul Mates" (Part 1)
#2 "The Artist's Wife"
#1 "Red of Morning"
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