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Kaidan and Javira Clissander, "The Twins" |
Part 12
gates swung open slowly before the small family huddled just outside
them. A mother and her two young children slowly inched their way into
the courtyard.
The one on her right—a boy barely eight years old, with deep green eyes and soft red curls—hunched closer.
you certain we should be here, mother?" He whispered. Their tattered
clothes seemed dreadfully out of place here. It was too grand a place
for the likes of them.
"Of course, dear," his mother answered.
"The castle was in need of a washerwoman, and the summons allowed me a
small apartment of my own on the palace grounds."
The little
girl—no more than three minutes older than her brother— shrank into her
mother's skirts as servants intent on their duties stopped to gawk
rudely at the newcomers.
"Mama," she whimpered, "I'm scared!"
Veransa Clissander held her children's hands a little tighter as she was
confronted with the misgivings weighing on her heart. She swallowed the
doubts and shook her head. "Now then!" She spoke as much to herself as
to her children. "We cannot let fear of what may be, and what others
tell us should be, get in between us and what is! We—I have received
this opportunity, and it won't do to let it go to waste merely because
we weren't at all sure about how this would all turn out." She met the
gaze of both her children. "Chins up!" She instructed them. "Smiles on!
You know that we have worked hard to arrive at the point we are at, and
we have earned this new situation, which promises to provide for us for
as long as we need it."
The boy blinked his eyes as they
wandered the lowly service halls in the bowels of the castle. Only their
mother seemed to know just where to go. She turned the corner and a man
stepped in front of them, as if he had been waiting for their approach.
"Oh there you are!" He cried. "When you said you would arrive today, I had no idea it would be so late."
The dutiful mother bowed her head. "My apologies. The market was a little more crowded than I was expecting."
man sniffed. "Hm, yes; well, you're here, so you might as well get
started right away. Peraven!" He raised his voice only slightly as a
woman in plain clothes with full skirts joined him and immediately took
the daughter's hand. She frowned and tried to twist away, but Peraven's
grip held as she also moved to herd the children away from their mother.
She reached for them frantically. "What are you doing?"
now, Veransa," the man chided her. "Surely you did not think we would
allow you to bring children down there! Do not worry; Peraven watches
the Crown Prince, as well. They will be in good hands while you work."
wide skirts served as an impassable barrier as she goaded the children
onward, toward the stairs that would bring them to the main level of the
"Come along," she cooed sweetly. "What are your names?"
The boy sniffed as he thought of his mother, all alone. "K... Kaidan," he stammered.
Peraven turned her gaze to the little girl, but she hung her head without a sound.
"'S my sister, Javira," muttered Kaidan. "We're twins."
and Javira?" Peraven repeated. "How wonderful you get to join us! Come
and meet your new friend; his name is Beren, and I think you'll get
along just splendidly!"
Kaidan let a smile play
around his lips as the memory resurfaced of his arrival at the White
The governess had been all smiles and sweetness during that
first meeting, but after becoming acquainted with her young charge, the
quick, keen, troublesome Prince Beren, it became clear that this was
merely an act on her part. Beren was a few years older than the twins, a
fact of which he was rather proud. He was accustomed to palace living
and took delight in constantly correcting the two newcomers, often
making fun of their frequent mistakes when they behaved in a way
contrary to the prescribed protocols of etiquette—but in spite of all
his knowledge of behavior, there was something he could not quite do:
subvert the all-encompassing governess. Not a moment did they spend out
of her sight, not a minute of their collective days was spent free of
her pervasive influence.
Whole years passed without Kaidan and Javira
even once getting to see their mother. For all his defiance and
stubbornness, Beren had yet to uncover a vice or a weakness in the
implacable woman. Then came the day when Javira, not quite twelve but
fast becoming a woman, happened to catch the shift in Peraven's demeanor
every time a certain knight marched by. It happened to occur at the
exact moment that Beren was attempting to sneak another scone, which was
something she frowned upon. The lad would surely have been discovered
and punished—if the knight had not decided in that instant to stop and
let the sun glint off his armor. Peraven did not look away as his mailed
hand lifted toward his chin, as if he intended to remove his helmet so
she could glimpse his face—
The scone vanished, the hand
dropped, and the moment ended. Javira glanced at her brother, and the
bond they shared confirmed that something significant had happened.
glanced out the window to the servants' lodging, where Peraven and
Captain Fortin of the King's Guard lived, happily enamored with each
Finding out what distracted the all-present governess
wasn't the only thing that happened that day. Very soon, Kaidan found
that he, too, had an almost uncanny knack for getting things to happen
just like he wanted them to. The three youngsters could do as they
pleased as long as Peraven continued to look the other way, and as soon
as Beren promised to make Kaidan his personal servant, the capable
child-minder suddenly found herself the object of an affectionate
proposal, and promptly decided that her charges were quite mature enough
to look after themselves.
Kaidan moved into the room
adjacent to Beren's chambers, and Javira fairly floated downstairs to
the massive washing room to find her mother.
Kaidan moved to the parlor just outside his room, and found his sister already waiting.
"So soon?" He asked. "How is she?"
Javira wouldn't meet his eyes; she spoke slow, in short breaths, as if she had trouble making the words come.
is well; she knew right away." Finally, Javira whirled to face her
brother, the silky red hair tumbling down her back as the full, bland
skirts swished. "She knows our Gift!"
Kaidan tilted his head. "Why is that such a terrible mystery?" He asked.
it not strange to you?" His sister demanded. "Siblings, possessing the
same Gifts? How would she even know of our Gifts if they are supposed to
be unique to the individual?"
Kaidan shrugged and moved to place a hand on her shoulder. "It is not so strange; we are twins; we share a lot of traits."
turned her head away again. "She said our father had the same Gift."
This time, she spoke with an edge sharp enough to cut.
Kaidan couldn't help reacting to her words. "Our father? Since when did Mother ever speak of our father?"
pressed her lips. "She told me all about him; she said that the Gift he
had would cause others to do what he wished. He used it on her."
nodded. "And basically forced her to marry him; I get the picture. But
Javira, the man is no doubt dead somewhere, or at least not even
thinking about us! Mother escaped from him."
Javira shook her
head. "No; our father is the reason we are here. Mother said he
convinced her to take the job, even if it meant giving up her children.
In return," she scowled, "the scoundrel gets a stipend of his own, which
he has used to buy a mansion all his own, where he resides in comfort—"
we must be content with inferior beds and second-rate castle lodgings,"
Kaidan finished with understanding. "I agree; it's not fair."
do you suppose he somehow used his Gift to change ours?" Javira
murmured. "What do you suppose would be the Gifts we were meant to have?
"Can a Gift be changed like that?" Kaidan responded.
Javira hung her head and her lips twitched.
Kaidan's instinct was never wrong. "Oh, sister, you didn't."
wanted to!" She looked up with fervor. "I chose one of the gardeners—he
was making flowers right there in his hands and planting them instead
of just weeding and caring for the plants already there. I just wanted
to see—" she faltered.
"And?" Prompted her brother.
shook her head. "I couldn't do it; if it is possible, it must be only
with family, and only before a Gift has manifested."
Kaidan peered closely at his shaken sister. "So why are you still troubled? What happened to the gardener?"
crossed to the edge of the room. "My influence caused him to exude an
entire bouquet in the sight of his overseer. Some guards took him away. I
am afraid—"
Kaidan took his sister by the hand and led her to
the couch. "You don't have to be afraid, Javira. King Balwyn is not
opposed to employing Gifted people; Prince Beren even showed me his
The lines of worry disappeared, and she even tried to
match her brother's smile. Clearly she regarded the prince well. "Beren
is Gifted?"
Kaidan nodded. "He can manipulate water, and even
exude it from his own hands. He told me his father keeps a record of
Gifted people, and professes a desire to see them all gainfully employed
in occupations that benefit the kingdom and utilize the unique Gifts."
Javira's smile dimmed. "Records can be dangerous; what real benefit would ones like us have for the realm?"
have said the very thing that went through my head when I first heard
the news," Kaidan confirmed. "We know that, based on what our father did
with it, such a thing could only lead to harm if it were made known."
"And yet our father remained unknown, so he was able to destroy all our lives with his Gift!" protested Javira.
the record is inherently neutral, so long as the intent is beneficial,"
Kaidan affirmed. "But if there might be other Gifted people out there,
and men like our father continue to have their way—"
"We must
figure out a way to use the record to find each person," Javira
concluded. "We can use our shared intuition to discern which are
legitimate needs, and which individuals need to be stopped."
nodded. "I know of at least one person whose influence is far too
pervasive, and needs to be controlled or at least diminished."
Javira finally relaxed. "Then perhaps the solution is not to use the King's record, but to create our own."
the pause, the clock in the Prince's parlor chimed. Javira stood. "I
must return to the servants' quarters," she said. "Mother has reserved
the cot next to her for me."
Kaidan joined her on his feet, and hugged her close. "We will find a solution for this, Javira, I promise," he whispered.
Javira lay in her cot, watching her mother's sleeping body curl close, the arms forming a protective barrier over the chest.
worry mother," she whispered into the night. "We understand. Men like
father don't deserve to live unhindered. He will be stopped." She closed
her eyes and fell asleep to the echoes of that comforting thought.
The next morning began with a scream.
bounded to wakefulness as Veransa shrieked long and loud, holding her
bloodied hands before her. But whose blood was it? A swift investigation
revealed that during the night, Habram Clissander had been murdered
with someone's bare hands. Since the only likely conclusion was also the
most obvious, Veransa Clissander, his abused wife, was found guilty of the
crime (though she professed no knowledge), and the death sentence
swiftly followed.
Kaidan and Javira again
conferred, this time both wearing clothes of the deepest black—though no
cloth in the world could convey the depth of their despair.
"It must have been father!" Kaidan declared.
Javira couldn't understand how her whole world could have fallen apart so suddenly. "Why would father want to kill himself?"
began pacing. "Who knows? Perhaps to be rid of us forever. Now we are
the children of a drunk womanizer and a crazy murderess. Can you imagine
the mess we would be in if our Gifts were revealed now?"
Javira clapped her hands to her cheeks. "No one can ever know what we are!" She gasped in horror.
met her gaze with determination. "The Gifts are not a benefit to
society, no matter what the King says. The only ones who can truly help
the realm are you and I."
Javira blinked in confusion. "But what can we do? How can you be so sure?"
stopped pacing and dropped into the seat next to her. "Don't you see?"
He said with eyes alight. "Fate brought us to the palace. We alone can
hide our Gifts and prevent them from ever being discovered, even while
we use them to reach our goal, the one position where we can do the most
good: we must become heads of the Royal Council, and bend it to our
Javira felt her brother's Gift overwhelm her mind, but
she welcomed it; she always trusted her brother completely. "Yes!" She
enthused. "We will cleanse the realm of all the Gifts, so that no one
will ever experience the terrible tragedy we have faced today." She
smiled, as the more she thought about it, the more it felt right. "So,
Kaidan," she stood by her brother's side. "Do you happen to have that
list you finished yesterday?"
"I do!" Kaidan drew the piece of parchment out of the pocket in his cloak. Javira glanced at the first name.
"It appears we have our first target," she mused.
At the top of the parchment stood a name, in bold strokes:
KORSAN NASROK, KING'S ADVISOR. Beside it, another column listed the respective Gift: MAGIC.
Javira smiled; they had their work cut out for them, but they could handle it together.
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was a strange sensation, Erlis thought, to be dragged along the
corridors by nothing but magic influence. She had complete freedom to
turn her head to either side as her feet marched forward of their own
accord. They stood in what seemed to be a disused operating theater,
with high dark windows, all shattered, and two deep troughs, roughly
human-sized. Her stomach churned.
"This is where the Council—"
the experiments on the Gifted ones, without the knowledge of the King,"
Zayra hissed, her head lolling. She giggled as she ran a hand around
the rim of one trough. "I guess you could say this is the cradle where I
was born!" She laughed but her ecstasy turned to a scowl as she whirled
on her prisoners. "And it will be the coffin where I die, to be reborn
yet again!"
Aurelle noticed a lone wire draped over the edge
of the trough. With her eyes, she followed its length to the edge of the
room, up the wall—and by then she saw the other end: coiled around the
wrist of another woman wrapped in wire, dangling (thankfully right side
up) from the ceiling!
Erlis heard her gasp and followed her gaze.
"Edri!" She cried.
leaned against the trough and laughed. "Oh yes! I decided that I was
tired of being the one experimented on, that I wanted to try an
experiment on my own! See, it didn't work, last time she put her hands
on me; she couldn't fix my brain. So I wanted to see what would happen
if I siphoned off all her Gift, and transferred it to myself with this
wire." She jerked to her feet and clapped her hands. "Then I will have
TWO Gifts!"
Erlis shook her head. "A Gift ceases when it is taken. It can only remain a Gift if it is given freely."
Zayra stuck out her lip in a pout. "Well, how do you expect me to do that? I can't very well ask her!"
Erlis sighed. "Zayra, I am sorry for what happened to you, but this is not the way to help yourself. Please, let us go and—"
Instantly, all the doors in the space vanished. The windows only led to other, doorless rooms.
Erlis felt her whole body jerk as Zayra slapped her across the right, human side of her face.
"Do NOT address me as anything other than Your Highness or My Queen! I AM QUEEN!"
stepped forward. "Your Majesty," she said slowly. "Please release that
woman; taking her Gift cannot help you. There is not even a guarantee
that your method will work!"
Zayra scowled. "It must! I demand
that it works!" She picked up the wire, and immediately the suspended
body gave a jerk. A blue spark illuminated the wire around her hand and
spread along the wire, eliciting a deep wail of pain from the
soldier—but the blue light barely made it half the distance between the
two before it faded to nothing.
Zayra wasn't fazed; in fact,
she seemed almost excited. "Did you see that?" She squealed, tugging on
the wire some more and making the body jiggle. "I demand that you wo—"
Erlis roared, angry flames flashing in her dragon eye. She lunged
forward to yank the wire from the madwoman's hand, but Zayra shrank
"Stop!" She whimpered. "Don't touch me!"
Erlis felt the wave of resistance pushing her back as Zayra said it; her Gift gave her the power to make her whims reality.
she begged, "my... My Queen." The title came as barely a whisper.
"There is another way; if you let Edri go, I can give you something that
will in fact help you more than Edri ever could."
Zayra leaned forward, a hungry gleam in her eye. "What is it?"
pulled up the sleeve of her right arm, all the way up to the scales and
plated shoulder. "Dragon's Blood, infused in my body."
Zayra inhaled slowly. "The most regenerative substance there is," she whispered.
Erlis nodded. "I will give it to you freely, as much as you need; only let Edri go!"
weighed her options for only a moment. She shrugged and dropped the
wire. "Oh very well; she wasn't much use to me anyway." With a quick
pull and a twist, she released the mechanism holding Edri aloft. Aurelle
barely had time to catch the body as it crashes toward the smooth floor
tiles. Immediately, she set about untwisting the wires. She looked up
and locked eyes with Erlis.
"Go," the Dragon nodded. "Tell the others where I am. Tell them not to come for me."
Aurelle bundled the unconscious Edri in her arms and turned toward the window—but it was still filled in on the other side.
perched coquettishly on the edge of the trough. "Ah-ah!" She wagged a
finger at the women. "Our business has not finished—and you really don't
think the Healer was going to do everything herself, was she?"
Aurelle left Edri propped against the wall as Zayra lay down in the trough.
"You," she pointed to Erlis, "in there." She indicated the other trough.
Erlis had no choice. She crossed to the empty trough and lay down.
Zayra held out her arm. Erlis did the same.
"Hook us up!" Commanded the Queen.
~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<> ~
watched the trees; they were much older than the last time he chanced
to pass through the area. He sensed Velora watching him as they crossed
the river that had grown deeper over the years.
She put out her hand. "Look out for the—"
Korsan sidestepped the loose rocks neatly and landed safely on the other bank.
A small smile played around the Alpha's lips. "You know my village?"
Korsan chuckled. "I knew your parents, young one. In fact, it is your house I was hoping to—"
He stopped as they arrived in the clearing.
Velora's voice came strained. "You'll find it much changed from when you were here last," she whispered.
Korsan surveyed the devastation. No house was left standing. The entire area stood inches deep in soot and rubble.
"What happened?" He asked.
shrugged. "One moment, we were all huddled in our homes as the storm
raged outside. No one even knows which house caught first, but it didn't
take long for it to spread, even in the rain. Father made a hole in the
wall, and I escaped..." She stopped by a patch of ashen mud.
Korsan swept forward and placed a hand in a divot filled with freshly-turned earth.
"You won't find it here."
voice was barely a whisper, and yet the speaker had no scent so it was
several members before Korsan and Velora found her: a woman, dressed in
gleaming white, with magnificent wings all bent and shattered spread
beneath her.
"Who are you?" Velora demanded.
The woman looked straight at Korsan. "One who knew the Prince," she said. "I tried to help him—"
"What have you done?" Korsan hissed.
was necessary." The woman didn't appear to be bloodied, but she sounded
very weak, and her skin was so pale it looked almost translucent. Most
puzzling of all, she still had no scent.
"I took his memories
while he was a prisoner on that pirate ship. I carried them as we
traveled together into the Harbor. I led him here and put the memories
in the crown. I had hoped he would put it on before heading to the
castle, but—" she gave another shuddering gasp as her eyes rolled in her
Korsan lunged forward and took her hand. "But what? Did he put it on? Does he remember?"
head lolled. "I don't know; we parted company. I don't know. I must
depart so I can recover. I'm sorry." She faded out of sight before their
eyes, in a burst of brilliant colors.
Korsan stepped back. Velora watched him carefully as
the stench of his fear rolled off of him in waves. "What is it? Who were
you talking about?" She asked. "What memories? What Prince? Is she
talking about Jaran?"
Korsan gripped his talisman so hard the
gems bruised his skin. "When you were but a babe, Prince Beren Seramis,
the Crown Prince, departed on a pleasure cruise with friends who would
betray him, and he left behind the True Crown. Only the one who wears
the True Crown is fit to sit upon Balwyn's throne, and only the one who
sits upon Balwyn's throne is fit to be his successor. The Twin Regents
no doubt plan to use Jaran as bait to lure his brother, and if he
doesn't remember who he is, then he will no doubt yield the crown in
exchange for his brother. We must get back to the castle!" The old Mage
took off running through the forest. Velora had to draw upon the Wolf
within to keep pace with him.
"I don't get it!" She pressed. "What do you mean, if he doesn't remember? Who has the crown now?"
"Velora!" Korsan didn't slacken. "Prince Beren is Harlock, the man with no past!"
"Oh blast!" She snarled. "And he's headed to the castle a long while ago, to try and rescue Jaran!"
"We need to stop him before he hands over that crown!" Korsan agreed as the White Castle loomed into view.
~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<> ~
Harlock landed in the throne room, the antique crown hanging from a loop on his belt.
Slow applause caused him to freeze and peer defensively at the shadows in the front of the room.
and Kaidan Clissander sat upon the two thrones where the King and Queen
once sat. To avoid the penalty for breaking the law, they had draped
the golden seats with heavy black fabric, to sit upon.
"Well done, Beren," Kaidan nodded. "I was wondering when exactly you would make it back from your pleasure trip!"
snorted. "You are mistaken; my name is Harlock." He saw Jaran and the
other kid, a young wharf rat with barely any clothes, kneeling in irons
at the foot of the dais. The end of Jaran's chain rested in Javira's
hands, while Kaidan held the other.
Javira regarded him smoothly. "You seem to know your way around this palace very well, for a sailor," she mused.
shrugged. "What can I say? I have a keen sense of where to find things,
and it just happened that this was the only room with people in it." He
saw them glance to the side, where a gorgeous woman in rich clothing
sat in a gilded cage, her hands gripping the bars so tightly that her
knuckles gleamed as white as pearls. "Hello, what's a pretty thing like
you doing locked up?"
"Leave her!" Kaidan barked. When Harlock
turned back to him, he continued in a silky tone. "So then, you know
nothing of this Beren person? And your name is Harlock?"
Harlock nodded. "Oh yes, and I'm taking your prisoners."
The twins exchanged a glance. "Both of them?"
shrugged. "Well, I was going to just take the tall skinny one, but the
pickpocket I think works with a friend of mine," he gestured toward the
cage, "and if I am not mistaken, it doesn't look like the pretty one
actually wants to be here, either."
Azelie rattled the bars of her cage, but no sound escaped her lips.
Kaidan glanced at his sister. "What do you think, Javira? Should we just let them all go?"
tilted her head and regarded him closely. "Not for free, of course.
Naturally, if you're coming here to liberate the hostages we've
rightfully collected," she gestured to the two unmoving in front of
them, "you should at least bring something of value to us."
seemed to scrunch his face as he considered it, but he shoved his hands
in his pocket and shook his head. "Yeah, I've got nothing."
There was no missing the sudden elevated tension as both twins leaned forward.
"What about the crown you carry?" Kaidan licked his lips and tried in vain to keep his voice steady.
glanced down and unhooked the crown, spinning it around his wrist like a
juggler's hoop. "What, this old thing? I found it buried in the woods
somewhere, can you believe it? Nah, this isn't worth the dirt I scraped
it from! Ask me for something else."
Both twins were on their feet now.
"Did you put on the crown or not?" Kaidan snarled, even as Javira shouted at the saw time, "Give us the crown!"
Kaidan grabbed her shoulder. "No! It's no use to us if he's already worn it!"
chortled. "Worn it? With all the manure I had to shift to get it? No
thanks, I am not in any way interested in putting that anywhere near my
face, thank you very much!"
Kaidan held Javira's gaze. "Is it true?" He asked.
Javira's eyes shifted to lock onto the trembling Azelie. Her expression relaxed.
"He knows nothing," she confirmed.
"So," Harlock was tossing the crown in the air and catching it. "Are we making this trade or not?"
Kaidan smiled. "Of course; one crown for three prisoners."
gasped through clenched teeth. "Yeesh! You two drive a hard bargain. Oh
well; at least we're all getting what we want. Catch!" He tossed the
crown higher this time, and toward Kaidan. The Lord Regent lunged for
the diadem as Harlock yelled, "NOW!"
Immediately, Damaris
jumped to his feet as flames engulfed his body, so hot that the iron
turned to red liquid and dripped from his wrists.
Javira barely had
time to resister a spark from Jaran before it slammed into her with so
much energy that it sent her rocketing backward across the room. The
bolt melted the locking mechanisms off the cuffs, and soon Jaran was
free as well.
Damaris still flamed as he approached Azelie's cage and melted the door right off its hinges, allowing her to crawl out.
four Outcasts stood together as Kaidan rose to his feet, gripping the
crown in his hands. Slowly, as Javira struggled to recover from the
lightning blast, Kaidan placed the crown on his head and closed his eyes
in anticipation.
Nothing happened.
snatched the crown off to look at it closely, but it was the last move
he ever made, as a sudden frigid blast covered him in water and froze
Harlock clenched his fist to stop the flow of ice.
had gained her feet and clutched the side of the throne. She glared at
Azelie. "You!" She screeched, "You were in his mind! You told me he
didn't remember!"
Azelie smiled, but Javira could no longer
read her thoughts. She had hidden them—just as she had hidden the slew
of new memories in Harlock's mind.
Meanwhile, Harlock plucked the crown from Kaidan's frozen hand.
"Beg pardon," he said, "but this isn't yours."
Javira lunged at him, but a bolt of energy from Jaran knocked her flat.
Harlock winked at him. "Thanks, brother."
Jaran smiled. "Anything for my brother."
Damaris groaned. "Can we please just get on with this?"
The newly-crowned man stood on the dais, pulling aside the heavy swath of fabric.
am Prince Beren Seramis, Son and Heir of King Balwyn Seramis, and
rightful ruler of this realm!" He sat on the throne, and around him, the
darkened castle thrummed to life.
In the next instant, a terrible scream split the air.
"What was that?" Jaran asked, stating at the open window. He had heard that scream before.
"It came from the Laboratory Tower!" Azelie answered.
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The Clan of Outcasts Series:
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