Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Bookish Blog Hop February 2022: "A Book You Own But Haven't Read Yet"

Leslie Conzatti (Me!)

I don’t have a whole lot of books on my “regular” shelves that I personally own but haven’t read, since that was my goal for the end of last year, to read the last couple books that I picked up at a book sale but hadn’t read yet… But there are a few books still on my shelf of signed indie books that I haven’t read yet! (I’m working my way toward them–I also have
dozens of indie ebooks sitting in my digital library that I haven’t yet touched! I suppose I could have counted one of them as my answer–but how to choose which one??) 

One such book is You Are Not Alone by Kelly Blanchard. It’s the eighth book in her Chronicles of Lorrek series, and if the other seven are any indication, it’s going to be good, I just know it! I’ve been an avid fan of this series ever since the first book started out on Wattpad. She’s since moved to self-publishing, and from there to being picked up by a small-press publisher–and the books just keep getting better and better! It starts out with some epic sword-and-sorcery-type fantasy with some light elements of sci-fi technology seamlessly blended with the magic in this world… and as the series progresses, we’ve moved from one group of kingdoms to other worlds and from there to outer space and whole galaxies and space travel–this series does not quit, and I can’t wait to see what’s next in this particular book!

Becki ( A Book Lover’s Adventures)

I have so many books that I own but haven’t read yet. But, I’ll share two. One that I have plans on reading soon and one that I really hope to fit in soon.

The first is Dreams of Trespass by Fatima Mernissi. This is a memoir by a girl who grew up in Morocco in a harem. I am reading my way around the world this year, so this book will hit Morocco for me. And, hearing the first hand account of a young woman who grew up in a culture so different from mine will be interesting.

The second book is one I’ve had hanging around for a while and really want to dive into. This one is That Thing You Do by Maria Geraci. This one is a light hearted romance about second chances. When a job brings Allie back home, she runs into her ex-boyfriend Tom who is way too sexy and definitely in the way of her dream job. I’m hoping to curl up with this one before too long.

Valerie Lester - Cats Luv Coffee 

I don’t really have physical books in my collection that I haven’t yet read. I read so quickly that I try not to purchase a lot of books that are going to take up space. That said, I have a TON on my kindle just waiting for me. Two that I’m looking forward to are:

Shadowflicker by Gregory Bastianelli - I read his horror novel Snowball  last year and loved it. I’m saving this one a little closer to the publish date. Shadowflicker apparently is about an investigator that is looking into the negative effects of wind turbines on those who live close to them after a whole lot of weird things happen near them. 

In The Devil’s Dream by Felix Blackwell - I found Stolen Tongues last year thanks to the Books of Horror Facebook group and man, they weren’t kidding around with this one. It has to be one of the creepiest books I’ve read. In the Devil’s Dream follows the same principle of a secluded cabin and something creeping around outside. 

Jo Linsdell

I have so many books I own but haven’t read yet. Most of the physical copies I got over the Christmas period though. Don’t get me started on kindle books… my TBR list of books I own but still need to read is huge on there! 
One book I got gifted at Christmas that I’m really looking forward to reading in The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.

“For centuries, the story of Dracula has captured the imagination of readers and storytellers alike. Kostova's breathtaking first novel, ten years in the writing, is an accomplished retelling of this ancient tale. "The story that follows is one I never intended to commit to paper... As an historian, I have learned that, in fact, not everyone who reaches back into history can survive it." With these words, a nameless narrator unfolds a story that began 30 years earlier.
Late one night in 1972, as a 16-year-old girl, she discovers a mysterious book and a sheaf of letters in her father's library—a discovery that will have dreadful and far-reaching consequences, and will send her on a journey of mind-boggling danger. While seeking clues to the secrets of her father's past and her mother's puzzling disappearance, she follows a trail from London to Istanbul to Budapest and beyond, and learns that the letters in her possession provide a link to one of the world's darkest and most intoxicating figures. Generation after generation, the legend of Dracula has enticed and eluded both historians and opportunists alike. Now a young girl undertakes the same search that ended in the death and defilement of so many others—in an attempt to save her father from an unspeakable fate.”
I have so many books that I own and still haven’t read yet it’s not even funny. The Taking of Jake Livingston is one of those books. But this month I’m hoping that’s going to change because I added it to my TBR!
It is a young adult horror novel that has been on my TBR for a while now.
There’s also You’re so Dead, The Inivited, Swallow, and They Both Die at the End just to name a few.

Anna Karenina
by Leo Tolstoy is a book I have been meaning to read for decades now. I recall my paternal grandfather recommending this book to me when I was in high school. I have had it in my home library forever, it seems like, but somehow never read it yet. And of course, if I am being honest, I have to read more than half the books on my bookshelves. But, I have read the other half a zillion times (maybe more or less)....

How about you? Are there any books you own that you haven't read yet? Tell us about them in the comments--maybe 2022 is the year you finally get around to it! And don't forget to check out the other stops in this great Blog Hop! Check out the list of themes below:

1 comment:

  1. Dreams of Trespass and The Historian are going on my TBR now.. :)
